
Making unified data a reality

By Megan Madsen, Vice President of Communications


Using data unification to assess business health

Some business challenges are universal. Take data, for instance. Most companies realise they have the potential to leverage vast amounts of information to do their jobs better, but mobilising on this potential can cause successful companies to stumble.

Often, they have a range of reports, carefully curated from different teams, to help them try to make sense of it all. But dig deeper and we realise that, yes, a lot of work is being done and there is information at their fingertips. But it isn’t integrated and it doesn’t reflect that the real power is in how those disparate pieces come together to tell a far-reaching story about a business’ health and the effectiveness of its operations.

Key benefits of unified data

  • Democratisation of information
  • Critical information in one place, updated in real time
  • Efficiency towards results
  • Increased collaboration
  • Transparency between agency and client

A decade ago this was the promise of digital, but the reality wasn’t true. Chief marketing officers were stitching together important but disconnected pieces of information.

The real power is in how disparate pieces come together to tell a far-reaching story about a business’ health and the effectiveness of its operations.

To solve this, we invested in a combination of technologies that helps us to see clearly and act decisively, making the most of information about audiences and how they are engaging with the brand. We optimise based on behaviour through the entire customer (or advocate) journey, which means we have consistent insights into the entire marketing funnel.

This investment allows us to do this on behalf of our clients. Many companies lack the tech expertise and the resources to prioritise this in the way that it needs to be, even while recognising that it is vital.

Our core offerings remain the same, but they are now powered by a technology suite that leverages data in powerful ways and aggregates the information in a straightforward and accessible dashboard. Here’s what we’ve learned, and it’s relevant to all modern corporations and causes who need to unify data and use it effectively.

Step into the light

You already generate a treasure trove of data, but it needs to be organised and visualised. Ask yourself whether you have the team in place at your organisation, or if you need to bring in an expert partner.

Know the power of transparency

All critical information needs to be readily available, to all teams, in real time. In addition to fewer surprises, this constant learning allows for quicker pivots — and enables us to shift tactics to meet goals more efficiently.

Build an integrated system

Regardless of department, team or function, everyone has a role to play in understanding and acting on information. Organise teams around the data and job to be done, instead of in silos from a different era, so the diverse skill sets around the table are even more powerful. This sometimes means a new view of roles and responsibilities — one in which everyone is accountable for realising the power of data and how it is relevant to the work.

See the data but think beyond it

Data doesn’t give you all the answers. In fact, it’s just the beginning of understanding how to measure progress towards key goals. What hasn’t changed is that team members need to think critically and apply intuition, savvy and creativity to solve problems and move the needle more quickly towards results.

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